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Disabilities & long term conditions

Below are a series of links to the Girlguiding website which will help you support girls and adult members if they have a disability or long term illness

How we support disabled members

We make sure that disabled girls and girls with long-term conditions can experience the fun and friendship of guiding.

Disability and Guiding

How to remove potential barriers for disabled members so they can participate in guiding activities

Making adjustments

Making adjustments means more girls and volunteers can take part in our activities

Adapting games and activities

Hints and tips to help members adapt games and activities to include girls of all abilities

Adapting qualifications

Make changes to qualifications to be inclusive while getting people to demonstrate the same skills

Inclusive risk assessments

Make sure your risk assessments cover all members – including those with additional needs

Where to go for more support

Many charities can provide expert advice and guidance on supporting disabled people and those with long-term conditions.

Inclusive communication

How to make sure you communicate clearly with members with additional needs

Using our communication passports

Help young people with autism or learning disabilities to show you what support they need

Signing the promise

Learn to sign the Promise in British Sign Language and Makaton