
Volunteering will give you opportunities for fun, friendship and adventures. Our volunteers give girls the confidence to find their voice and stand up for themselves.

Register your interest and join Girlguiding

How can I volunteer with Girlguiding?

Find out the different ways you can volunteer for Girlguiding. Whether you can dedicate a night a week or are looking for a more flexible volunteering opportunity learn more about the types of roles available.

We are always ready to welcome people into Girlguiding Surrey West and have a number of ways you can get involved. We currently have a number of specific volunteer roles available but are also always interested in hearing from volunteers who want to contribute in other ways.

Are you already a Girlguiding leader?

If you have moved into Surrey West and are already a Girlguiding volunteer but want to find out more about the opportunities available in our county then please drop us an email at office@ggsw.org.uk and we can put you in touch with someone local to you.

Volunteer for Duke of Edinburgh

Volunteer for your Duke of Edinburgh Award

From bronze to gold volunteering with Girlguiding is a perfect way to achieve your Duke of Edinburgh Award volunteering requirement. Volunteering with a unit will enable you to commit to regular volunteering activities for at least an hour a week in term time. Register your interest to find out more.