Choose an inclusion & diversity topic for more information
Ethnic Diversity and Religion
Girlguiding is open to young members and volunteers of all faiths and none and believes that every member should be encouraged to explore their beliefs and to take an active part in the religion or faith of their family and community where appropriate.
Useful Contacts
Email for more equality, diversity and inclusion advice
Girlguiding Resources
Being Inclusive
When recruiting new members, it’s important to understand that everybody’s needs, wants and motivations are different. Girlguiding is an inclusive organisation, and it’s important that this is reflected when we recruit.
Talking about race and racism
Religious Differences and Guiding
When running a unit:
First impressions matter
Talk about all beliefs
Don’t focus on one faith
Think about when your unit meets
Ask questions
Give as much information as possible
Including all faiths at residential events
Things to consider:
Try not to make assumptions
Mixed-gender residential events
Religious observance
Saying Grace
Delivering Diversity
Give volunteers confidence to reach out to underrepresented communities
Improve equality and diversity training
Design projects in collaboration with communities we’re targeting
Engage with more diverse partners
Programme links
Rainbow UMAs
Pizza Party
Uncrumpled friends
Hidden histories
Brownie UMAs
Fairest of them all
Out of sight stories
Guide UMAs
Animal advantages
Pick a card
Celebrating sheroes
Ranger UMAs
Intersectional identities
Equality v equity
Unsung stories