County Event and Funding
If you are planning a County event or wish to seek County funding please see the proposal forms below to submit your ideas to the County Trustees.
There are two forms, one for County events and one for County spending. There is also a processes and FAQs document to help you.
Event Proposal Submission Form
Capital Spend Submission Form
Processes Document and FAQ
Request for a County Mentor
If you are planning to start your Going Away With Scheme, please ask your commissioner to complete a Notification to County form below. Once submitted we will identify a mentor to work along side you.
Going Away With Scheme request form
Going Away With Scheme request form
Lead Away Permit Notification
If you have a girl who is starting work on her Lead Away Permit, please complete the form below to notify County.
Letting Subsidy
To assist units with up to 50% of letting costs
Expense Claim Forms
Forms for reimbursement of expenses for County, Herons Wey and Paxmead
County Expense Form
Herons Wey Expense Form
Paxmead Expense Form
Governance Documents
Including Constitution, Annual Review, Accounts and Trustee meeting minutes
Data Protection Policy
Girlguiding Surrey West (the County) is responsible for the training and support of Girlguiding Leaders in the county who run over 400 units. It uses Personal Information which is held in Girlguiding’s membership system (GO) and is used for the administration of members’ participation in guiding activities. Girlguiding is the data controller for member data and the GO system has systems and processes to comply with Data Protection policy centrally.